Parallel Chords:The movement of specific chords or chord combinations up and down a scale.

Parallel Intervals:The movement in two or more parts of the same intervals in the same direction.

Parallel Keys:Major and Minor keys having the same tonic note.

Parallel Motion:The movement in two or more parts of the same interval in the same direction.

Partial: Either the fundamental or an overtone in the harmonic series.

Partita: 1) A set of variations. 2) A suite.

Part Song: An unaccompanied homophonic song for three or more voices.

Perfect Pitch: The ability to distinguish and identify any given note without any musical or tonal support.

Period: A musical statement, made up of two or more phrase, and a cadence.

Phrase: A single musical idea, or element. Usually very short, often consisting of only one or two measures.

Phrygian Mode: A medieval mode whose scale pattern is that of playing E to E on the white keys of a piano.

Piano: (Definition of the Dynamic) (It.) music symbolSoft or Quiet. Instruction to play softly.

Pitch: The location of a sound within a tonal scale, depending on the speed of vibrations (frequency) from the source of the sound from the source of the sound. When more vibrations occur per second, the pitch is said to be higher. When the frequency is lowered, then the pitch is lower.

Plainsong: A monophonic chant which is unmeasured, and unaccompanied; such as Gregorian Chant.

Polonaise: A stately Polish dance in moderate triple time, often with a repeated rhythmic pattern.

Polychoral: A style in which an ensemble is divided into groups that may perform individually, alternately, or together.

Polyphony: "Many sounds". Music that has many notes sounding together, either in a chordal, or contrapuntal setting.

Prelude: "Play-before". An introductory movement or work.

Program Music: A piece that conveys a picture or story, in contrast to absolute music.

Proper: The parts of the Mass whose parts change daily, as distinct from the ordinary. The proper consists of the introit, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Offertory, and Communion.

Pulse: same as beat. Unit of measurement rhythmic beat of music. (i.e. a waltz has 3 beats per Measures)
