Nachschlag: An ornament consisting of an unaccented note or notes at the end of the main note, or at the end of a trill.

Nachtmusik: "Night Music", a serenade.

Natural: A note that has not been raised or lowered from its named pitch. music symbolOn a piano, naturals are the white keys. Sharps or flats may be used to alter a natural pitch up or down a half step, respectively.

Neopolitan: Any chord built upon the flat second degree of the tonic key. Similar to the Tri-tone substitution used in Jazz.

Neopolitan Sixth Chord: An augmented sixth chord built upon the flat second degree of the tonickey.

Ninth: The interval of nine degrees.

Nocturne: A night-piece, or serenade.

Nonharmonic: Notes that fall outside of the harmony structure in which they occur.

Notation: written music indicating pitch and Rhythm.
